Linux Printing and Programming

Linux Printing

banner        Print a large banner on printer.
lpr        Print, submits a job to the printer.
Ex: lpr -Pdest filename. Dest is the destination printer. the name of the file to print is filename.
lpc        Lets you check the status of the printer and set its state.
lpq        Shows the contents of a spool directory for a given printer.
lprm         Removes a job from the printer queue.
gs        Ghostscript – A PostScript interpreter.
pr        Print a file. Ex: pr filename |pg.
tunelp        Set various parameters for the lp device.

Linux Programming

as86        Assembler
awk        C programming language – allows finding of lines with specific characters.
bc        A precision calculator language.
cproto        Reads in c source files and generates function prototypes for all the functions.
ctags        Generate tag (index) files for source code.
dialog        Display dialog boxes from shell scripts.
egcs        GNU project C and C++ compiler.
f2c        Converts fortran code to c code.
gawk        Pattern scanning and processing language. GNU’s implementation of awk.
gcc        GNU c and c++ compiler.
-g        Produce debugging information.
-pg        Generate profile info that will allow the gprof program to display timing info.
gdb        Debugging program.
gprof        In /usr/bin, allows you to tell where most of the execution time is spent in a program.
igawk        Gawk with include files.
indent        Reformats c source code for consistent indenting and opening and closing brackets consistent.
ld         The GNU linker.
ld86        Linker for as86.
make        GNU make utility to maintain a group of programs.
nm        Lists symbols from object files.
objcopy        Copy and translate object files.
objdump        Display information from object files.
p2c        Converts pascal code to c code.
prompt        set prompt = “waldo” (in C shell) ps1 = ‘waldo’ (in BOURNE shell)
PS1=”[\u@\h \w]\\$ ” makes prompt = [username@hostname current directory]
see the BASH or your shell’s man page for more information.
size        List section sizes and total size.
strip        Discard symbols from object files.
xxgdb        X windows based graphical user interface to gdb.

Scripting Languages

Perl        A command interpreter for the Practical Extraction and Report Language (perl).
Python        A report language.
Tcl        Tool command language shell. Enter by typing tclsh.
info        Return information about the state of the Tcl interpreter.
Tk        A graphical user extension to Tcl based on X windows. Commands are same as Tcl.

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