Ontrack Announces New SSD Recovery Technology

Kroll Ontrack data recovery has announced that it has developed unique, proprietary capabilities to drastically improve the quality of data recovery from SSDs in less than a quarter of the time usually required. Engineers at Kroll Ontrack had to overcome a number of obstacles associated with flash media to develop these capabilities.

Data recovery from new technology can be very time-consuming because of the need to research the algorithms used to originally store the data; however, new capabilities from Kroll Ontrack automate many of the processes involved. As a result, it ensures a significantly more efficient recovery for a fast-growing market.

ssd-recoveryWear leveling is also a primary difficulty of data recovery from solid state media. It is a technique that balances usage evenly across all disk sectors to ensure the maximum functional life of the media because SSDs generally have a finite number of read/writes before they become unstable. If a media failure occurs, however, wear leveling creates a time-consuming process to piece the data back together.

Another hurdle for data recovery on SSDs is that individual memory chips on devices usually work in a RAID-like configuration, making data even less contiguous and more difficult to piece together in the event of a failing device malfunction or data corruption. Additionally, there are no standardized configurations across manufacturers; this means that the new SSD recovery capabilities need to be able to handle many forms of Error Checking & Control (ECC) and Correct Address Translation via Logical Block.

Ontrack Data Recovery experts conducted extensive research into SSD technology to create these new capabilities that address these issues. This resulted in an in-depth understanding of this media, which enabled the development of unique processes and procedures with the ability to improve recovery rates decreasing the average time per data recovery.

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File recovery require is growing with technology

kroll-ontrackThe requirement for file recovery and backup solutions increases daily as technology is constantly on the advance.

Talking with ITWeb.co.za, Simon Campbell-Youthful, ceo of Phoenix Software, stated that whether firms are huge multinationals with 100s of employees or single computer customers, the potential risks of information loss from poor planning are identical.

“The requirement for copying your computer data is booming every single day. For people and companies who store their most necessary and valued info on their machines and servers, copying isn’t just a great plan, it’s important,Inch he described.

He stated that almost everyone has experienced the dread of understanding that important, valued or personal data has disappeared and was adamant that taking safeguards to safeguard security making backup copies might make recovery simpler.

While companies may be familiar with the requirement for backup and recovery plans, individual customers are not as likely to consider necessary measures.

However, the ecu Disaster Recovery Survey 2011, commissioned by EMC, recommended that European firms have to reconsider their file recovery methods and budgets.

Searching for file recovery specialist? Kroll Ontrack has 50 plus,000 effective file recovery tales to inform each year.

News from Kroll Ontrack Data recovery

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