Windows – Can putty open SSH link similar to Terminal for Macintosh?

I’ve got a SSH link (ssh://) in 1Password that if I was using a Macintosh I could just click and have it open a session in Terminal. Is there a way to click an SSH link (ssh://) in Windows and have PuTTY open up the session?


PuTTY unfortunately does not associate itself with the ssh:// URLs.

You can associate an application with a protocol manually. See the MSDN article Registering an Application to a URI Scheme.

Basically you add a registry key like:

[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOTssh]@="URL: SSH Protocol""URL Protocol"=""[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOTsshDefaultIcon]@=""C:\Program Files (x86)\PuTTY\PuTTY.exe""